Can you declutter craft supplies the KonMari way? Let’s find out. Affiliate links included for your convenience. I had a bone to pick with Marie Kondo. Everyone was reading The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, the instant classic that made KonMari a household word. Her advice about getting rid of things that don’t bring you […]
How to Get Started Decluttering Craft Supplies the Best Way
How do you get started decluttering craft supplies? Pick a space and clear it out. Once you’ve made the commitment to become a minimalist crafter, you need to take honest stock of what you have and envision what you would like your crafty spaces to look like. What do you want your space to look […]
Is It Possible to Be a Minimalist Crafter?
What is a minimalist crafter? Is it even possible to be one? Let’s explore. My craft stuff is out of control. It has been for a long time. As a person who was a professional knitting designer and writer (well, I still am those things, but a lot less now than I used to be) […]