A lot of people who have problems managing their craft supplies, or anything else in their household, have the idea that they need to hold onto things because “I might need it someday.” This is probably particularly true of crafters because everything could potentially be of use some day, so we should just keep everything, […]
Use a Challenge to Help Use Craft Supplies You Have
I’ve been thinking about how to motivate yourself to use craft supplies you have or to declutter when you need to. And it occurred to me that giving yourself a challenge might be a great way to do it. The 100 Day Project What got me thinking about this is that the 100 Day Project […]
A Word for the Year: Usephoria
My actual word for the year is calibrate, but one meaning of calibrate (to me, anyway) is to make things a little bit better, and that’s exactly what usephoria is about. What is Usephoria? Usephoria is a word I made up a few years ago and I defined it like this: The joyful feeling derived […]