Join me and declutter one thing a day this month — whatever month you read this is! I have fallen out of the habit of working on going through my craft supplies — and other things that need to be decluttered — so I’ve decided that I need a challenge. Maybe you do, too. So […]
Have Projects in Time Out? They Count as Clutter
Unfinished projects, especially those that have been hanging around for a long time, count as clutter. Let’s finish some of them! I’m been in a bit of a finishing frenzy this week. On Sunday I finished knitting the last panel for and sewed together a blanket. And I sewed a sleeve on and finished the […]
The Truth: Why it’s So Hard to Get Rid of Craft Supplies
I feel like a big problem we have when we try to get rid of craft supplies we don’t want or need is that we feel like we’re supposed to fulfill the promise of those items, and to get rid of them makes it impossible for us to do so. Or so we think. When […]
How to Declutter Like an Economist
How do you declutter like an economist? Consider the reality of sunk costs. There’s a problem a lot of people have when they declutter: they think too much about the money they spent on the items they are getting rid of. It feels like a huge waste to give away all those craft supplies — […]
How to Fast from Buying Supplies and Use What You Have
A fast from buying supplies is a great way to jump-start decluttering or to encourage the use of the craft items you’ve kept after a purge. No matter where you are in your minimalist crafter journey, taking a fast from buying supplies is a great way to reinforce your intention to not consume more than […]
9 Easy Ways to Get Rid of Your Craft Supplies
Get rid of your craft supplies with ease with these ideas for places and people that will accept them. It can be hard — in lots of ways — to get rid of craft supplies, but it’s literally difficult sometimes because you just don’t know what to do with the supplies you don’t want anymore. […]
Do You Suffer from Craft-Related FOMO? How to End the Struggle
The desire for the latest, greatest and most craft supplies can lead to what I call craft-related FOMO. If you have it, it’s probably keeping you from the clear spaces and tamed supplies you really want. Do you know what FOMO is? It’s an acronym for our age that stands for fear of missing out. […]
A Simple, Sneaky Way to Make Decluttering Easier
There are lots of tactics for decluttering craft supplies and books, but this easy trick might help make decluttering easier. I have a lot of issues when it comes to craft supplies, from overflowing bins of yarn to fabric I haven’t used in years to random kids’ craft supplies we’ll probably never make anything out […]
How to Get Started Decluttering Craft Supplies the Best Way
How do you get started decluttering craft supplies? Pick a space and clear it out. Once you’ve made the commitment to become a minimalist crafter, you need to take honest stock of what you have and envision what you would like your crafty spaces to look like. What do you want your space to look […]
Is It Possible to Be a Minimalist Crafter?
What is a minimalist crafter? Is it even possible to be one? Let’s explore. My craft stuff is out of control. It has been for a long time. As a person who was a professional knitting designer and writer (well, I still am those things, but a lot less now than I used to be) […]