I recently made a discovery that felt like a revelation but isn’t really: the best way to use craft leftovers is for charity projects. I’m first and foremost a yarn crafter, and I have a lot of yarn from my days of writing knitting books, writing about knitting (which I still do!) and stuff that […]
Preparing for a No Buy Craft Supplies Experiment?
I have so much crafty stuff, even after decluttering my craft supplies a few times, that I think it’s time for a no buy craft supplies period. I want to say it will be all year but I’m not sure I can make it LOL. Here’s what I’m thinking about as I plan for no […]
How Do I Know How Much Is Enough to Keep?
One of the many challenges that comes when decluttering craft supplies or anything else, really, is deciding how much is enough to keep. It can feel in the moment like we ought to keep everything, or like we should be able to keep everything, if only we can find a better way to organize it. […]
How to Fast from Buying Supplies and Use What You Have
A fast from buying supplies is a great way to jump-start decluttering or to encourage the use of the craft items you’ve kept after a purge. No matter where you are in your minimalist crafter journey, taking a fast from buying supplies is a great way to reinforce your intention to not consume more than […]
9 Easy Ways to Get Rid of Your Craft Supplies
Get rid of your craft supplies with ease with these ideas for places and people that will accept them. It can be hard — in lots of ways — to get rid of craft supplies, but it’s literally difficult sometimes because you just don’t know what to do with the supplies you don’t want anymore. […]
Do You Suffer from Craft-Related FOMO? How to End the Struggle
The desire for the latest, greatest and most craft supplies can lead to what I call craft-related FOMO. If you have it, it’s probably keeping you from the clear spaces and tamed supplies you really want. Do you know what FOMO is? It’s an acronym for our age that stands for fear of missing out. […]